#glossysieve đź’„ Happy 2025 & AI Protective Gloss Update

Winners of our Gratitude Challenge and what’s to come in 2025.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday season with friends and family!

Our Gratitude Challenge closes soon! Projected winners can prepare for prize deposits by enabling no-fee Stripe payments on their Sieve page. Please also expect an email confirmation. Thank you to our old and new friends!

What’s Next in 2025

As fellow artists who value human creativity and online privacy, we chose the Vtuber community to build the kindest work queue. In 2024, we added features that allow artists to personalize their page using supercards, custom code/CSS, color accents, and more. #glossysieve đź’„ was born to symbolize this act of self-expression.

However, gen 0 artists probably remember that ~ Gloss ~ initially refers to the AI-protective algorithm in the Sieve page gallery. Our female founder spent the past year talking to research scientists across Europe and the United States, and without going into technical details, “protection” in consumer technology is highly nuanced and “AI protection” is never future-proof. Universities, such as the creator of two prominent image-protection tools (rhymes with Blaze and TightShade), further research in this field by offering the algorithm to artists for free (albeit through invitation). The cost? Tons of money in server/compute expenditures and copious amount of online harassment/abuse.

While regulatory measures must be enacted to protect working artists in this regard, the efforts of university researchers should not be overlooked. Without artist usage and feedback, research in this field (adversarial machine learning/AI safety and security) cannot advance. Project Gloss is expected to pilot in Sieve page in 2025 within a premium tier of superior customization features. Along with the white paper and technical expertise of our collaborators, this gated access will ensure sustainability of the platform and safety of our team.

More details to come… 🤔

Have a safe new year and email hi@sieve.page for any issues or feedback!


Sieve team